Kasler Associates, P.A. has provided advisory services to planning boards and zoning boards of adjustment on a continuous basis.  These services have included site plan and subdivision review, upgrading and updating land use regulations, planning feasibility studies and specific programs requested by the boards.

 These services have been provided to almost 60 communities through the years and included almost 30 years of professional advisory services to Mahwah Township, the second fastest growing community in New Jersey.

 Some of the more notable achievements of these programs include:


     The creation of Speedwell Village, a very successful historic preservation program in Morristown, New Jersey.


   The establishment of a planned development known as Ramapo Ridge, the first planned unit development in Northern New Jersey situated in Mahwah Township, which was the recipient of an award of merit from the New Jersey Federation of Planning Officials, in 1973.


   The establishment of zoning regulations in Denville Township giving recognition to its Federally designated sole source aquifer.


   The establishment of the Bear's Nest Townhouse development in Park Ridge - the home of former President Richard Nixon.


     The development of the first site plan review ordinances in Fort Lee, Kearny and Morristown.

The use of geographic information systems offers tremendous opportunities within the private sector.  Kasler Associates, P.A., anticipates that corporate clients who establish and operate businesses at various locations (i.e., franchise operation) can better utilize these services to monitor demographic trends, establish market areas and select sites for future development.

Businesses that utilize these services include oil companies, supermarkets, convenience food establishments, banks, eye-care centers, and other multi-locational businesses.  These services can provide greater assistance to the parent company in monitoring and adjusting to the changing market and environmental conditions.  Through this technology, Kasler Associates, P.A. can provide management with specific information concerning sales, profitability, market penetration as well as data concerning physical attributes such as square footage of buildings, neighborhood characteristics, local zoning and regulating requirements, assessed values of real estate, etc.

Kasler Associates, P.A. utilizes the latest in GIS technology including the most current software and databases.



ArcGIS - Copyright 2009 Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.

 The firm maintains a large GIS database which is constantly updated and upgraded.  The firm’s data base contains the entire 1990 and 2000 Census of Population and Housing which includes summary tapes 1A and 3A.  The firm also maintains enhanced Tiger files for the entire country, which provides street centerlines with the ability to search for specific addresses.


Kasler Associates, P.A. also maintains the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s database of more than 25 elements including, but not limited to, the following: Color infrared photography, Basins (Watersheds), Climate, Congressional Districts, County Boundaries, Dams, Flood Prone Areas, Geology, Geographic Place Names, Iron Mines, Land Use, Legislative Districts, Municipal Boundaries, Public Open Space, Pineland Boundaries, Reservoirs, Rivers and Streams, Sand & Gravel Mines, Solid Waste Landfills, Water Supply Management Areas, and Wetlands.

Kasler Associates, P.A. utilizes color infrared photography from 2002 in its GIS program to supplement site plan reviews as well as Master Plan programs.  If warranted, and available, the firm also utilizes low level aerial photography to vividly and accurately depict individual sites, areas and neighborhoods.



Springfield, New Jersey


Municipal Use of GIS


Morristown Master Plan




In 2003, the Morristown Planning Board adopted a comprehensive master plan that culminated a two year in depth master planning program.  Through the use of GIS, the Township was able to analyze the existing land use pattern and zoning ordinance on a lot by lot basis.  This gave the municipality the ability to study the zoning requirements as they relate to the lot development within each of the zones and illustrates conformance or nonconformance.  This ultimately resulted in the creation of a new zone within the municipality that more closely echoes the existing land use patterns in the area.

The Borough of Old Tappan, New Jersey has utilized its newly created Geographic Information System to analyze existing conditions relating to the amount of impervious surface within the front yard area.  The municipality has revised its zoning ordinance to limit the amount of impervious surface within the front yard based upon the analysis of the existing conditions.  Analysis of current conditions would not be possible without the use of a GIS.


Old Tappan


 Rockland County Psychiatric Center


Rockland County

The Town of Orangetown, New York had the right of first refusal when the Rockland County Psychiatric Center site became available for purchase from New York State.  Through the use of GPS (Global Positioning Systems), the municipality was able to more accurately delineate existing wetlands.  Kasler Associates, P.A. was able to then buffer the reservoir and wetlands to ascertain a more realistic development potential for the site.